I’m an artist and activist, lover of wildness and wonder, justice and joy.
In the face of so much destruction and division around the world, I stay hopeful by making things. I hope you’ll enjoy discovering a few of them on this website.
I’ve enjoyed an eclectic career in the arts, activism, social enterprise and government. I was Co-Founder of The School of Life, Faculty Lead at Year Here, Head of Education at iniva and Curator of Public Programmes at Tate. I’ve worked with several think tanks and as a Special Advisor on Social Action for the UK government, and collaborated with hundreds of activists and social entrepreneurs committed to shaping a world that works for all.
After more than two decades in creative change-making, I’ve seen how inspiring and how draining it can be to keep fighting the good fight. Today, much of my work focuses on building individual and collective resilience. With my partner Sarah, I run Turadh, a social enterprise in Scotland that provides spaces of rest and renewal to people working for the common good.
I am the author of several books, including Everyday Wonder, Looking at Trees, The Mindful Photographer and Street Photography Now. I love collaborating with other creative minds and hands to make publications that tell hopeful and helpful stories.
At the heart of everything I do is a commitment to taking care of our troubled but beautiful world. I’m supported by wise teachers and strong peer communities, and I’m open to conversations with anyone who wants to meet these times with courage and imagination.